Millet and spinach khichdi:

Millet’s are tiny cereals, which are low in Carbohydrates and a very good source of Protein, fibre and Vitamins. This is a very tasty, easy to make, healthy one pot meal which makes a very light meal.



Saame rice/Foxtail millet – 1 cup (you can use normal rice as well)

Moong/green gram dhal – ½ cup

Spinach – 1bunch

Cumin seeds – 1 tsp.

Hing – ½ tsp

Ginger – 1” piece

Green chillies – 1 to 2 (slit)

Salt- to taste

Ghee – 1 to 2 tbl sp

Water – 4 to 6 cups


-Soak dhal and millet rice after washing, for 10 minutes.

-Wash and grind spinach into puree.

-Heat ½ table spoon of ghee in a pressure cooker.

-Add Cumin seeds, hing, green chillies and ginger and fry for a minute.

-Now add spinach puree, water, salt and bring to boil. When it starts boiling, add soaked and drained dal and millet rice mixture.

-Check for salt and cook till 3 to 4 whistles.

-After the pressure releases, open the lid and pour in the remaining amount of ghee.



-Enjoy with any crispy side dishes or raita!!!


Butterfly pea flower and Lemon grass tea:

Two months back, when I was going through some articles, This article about Butterfly pea flower tea and its benefits attracted my attention and I tried my hand  it by preparing and experimenting, and my family loved this tea very much and now I want to share this recipe  with my readers too.

Butterfly pea flower, name itself is so exotic isn’t it? It is nothing but our wildly grown “Shankha Pushpa” flower. In Kannada Shankha means Conch and Pushpa means flower. This flower is widely used in making exotic teas, edible colour in Thai cuisine. Normally we find two colours in this, white and ink blue.

If you use blue flower for brewing, tea becomes pink after adding lemon juice.

Ribbet collage 1

Here I have used white flowers and some fresh lemon grass from my garden. When we use white flower and lemon grass, the tea becomes golden yellow. If you add lemon juice for additional flavour, it changes its colour to transparent, like normal water.

This tea is fragrant, at the same time it is filled with so many good anti-oxidants. Over all it is one Exotic drink.

Now we will see, how I prepared it,


For one big glass:

Water – 1 big glass

Butterfly pea flowers – 7 to 8

Lemon grass – 4 stalks

Sugar – 1 tsp

Lemon – ¼


-Collect fresh flowers, wash; chop lemon grass into 1 or 2” size pieces.

Ribbet collage 2

– Put water, lemon grass and flowers together and boil, until lemon grass changes its colour.

-Strain and add sugar or honey, whatever you prefer. You can use artificial sweetener as well.

-Your Exotic tea is ready to have, Pour into a serving glass.

-If you would like to add a little sourness, add lemon juice and see the magic. Golden tea will become transparent and glossy.

-Have your dose of antioxidant in this chilled weather and enjoy.