Apple Jam:

Apple jam is an awesome spread ,which is mild in flavour as well as with soothing colour. Homemade jams are always rich in taste, due to the usage of fruits and natural colour. It is preservative free and non-synthetic . Here I have used fruit as a whole /with skin.

Normally Apple turns out sour when you cook /boil . To avoid the sour taste, first I used baking technique , pureed , sieved and proceeded to make jam with the added mild cinnamon flavour.

It was a real hit and tasted really good and texture also turned out great. Usage of fruit skin gave the pinkish hue to the end product.

How I did –


Apple – 1 kg

 Sugar – ¾ kg

Cinnamon – 1 or 2 pinches

Lemon –  ½

-Wash Apples, dice ,remove seed part and arrange in a baking dish.

-Bake this in a 170°C pre-heated oven for 15 minutes at first.

-Remove, flip those apple pieces and continue further 15 minutes.

-After 30 minutes, check the doneness. If it is soft, well cooked ,remove it.

-If it is not done, bake for further 5 or 10 minutes.

-When it is cool, add a little water and churn in a juicer by adding 1 or 2 cups of water.

-Sieve ,discard the roughage ( fibre as well as outer skin remains)

-Put this pulp in a thick bottomed kadai, add sugar, cinnamon powder and cook until it is done.

-To check the doneness, take some water in a small bowl, drop the cooked mixture in it, immediately it should form a thick mass. If it dissolves, then you should proceed cooking.

-When it is done, add lemon juice and cook for 2 minutes

-Remove from the fire and cool completely and pour it into a glass bottles to set.

– Store this in a clean, dry bottle and refrigerate.


-If you prefer sweeter jam add 1 kg sugar and adjust the quantity of sugar according to your need.


Mango- Guava Jam:

Homemade jams are full of flavours as well as without any chemicals and preservatives. Mango and guava turn out super delicious and texture of the jam would be little grainy and thick due to guava. If you want a silky-smooth texture, you can use only mango and proceed.

Now I will proceed towards the procedure-


Mango’s – 600 Grams (roughly)

Guava – 500 grams (roughly)

Sugar- 1 kg (according to your taste)

lemon – 1


  • Wash, Peel the mangoes and chop.
  • Wash, chop guava into pieces.

  • Put all these pieces, with a little bit of water (till it immerses) and cook for 4 whistles.
  • -Mash the mixture by using masher. Don’t use mixer grinder for mashing. (it would crush the guava seeds)
  • Sieve this pulp to remove fibres and seeds.

  • Collect the smooth pulp and heat it in a low fire, until it starts boiling.
  • Add sugar, cook until it is done.
  • To check the doneness, take some water in a small bowl, drop the cooked mixture in it, immediately it should form a thick mass. If it dissolves, then you should proceed cooking.
  • When it is done, add lemon juice and cook for 2 minutes.

  • Remove from the fire and cool for a while and pour it into a glass bottles to set.
  • Don’t close the lid until it is cool. Store this in a clean, dry bottle and refrigerate.


-If you use very sweet mango, adjust the quantity of sugar.





Mango Jam:

Who doesn’t love Mango? Unfortunately, all good things only last a while, but no worries, one can preserve mango by making some homemade jams to savour even after its season ends.!

I started making this Jam almost 3 years back and want to share my recipe before it vanishes from the market for this year. So, yesterday I made this and I’m sharing it with you all-

Thanks to my dear friend Poornima, who provides me with a whole lot of home grown organic Mango’s from their garden.


Now I will proceed towards the procedure-


Mango’s – 500 Grams

Sugar- 500 grams

Saffron – 8 to 10 strands

Red chilli flakes – 1 teaspoon


 Wash, Peel the mangoes and chop.

pic 1   pic 2

  Make puree by putting it in a mixer/ juice jar without adding any water.

pic 3   pic 4

  Sieve this pulp to remove fibres (Here I have taken little fibrous home-grown variety)

  Collect the smooth pulp and heat it in a low fire, until it starts boiling.

pic 5   pic 6

 Add sugar, saffron and red chilli flakes and cook until it is done.

pic 7  pic 8

  To check the doneness, take some water in a small bowl, drop the cooked mixture in it, immediately it should form a thick mass. If it dissolves, then you should proceed cooking.

 When it is done, remove from the fire and cool completely.

pic 10

 Store this in a clean, dry bottle and refrigerate.


-If you use very sweet mango, adjust the quantity of sugar.

-If you use Alphonso variety, no need of sieving and you can directly proceed towards cooking after making pulp.

– If Mango is very sweet, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice at the end to give little tangy taste.

Home-Style Pineapple Jam:

Some things are such that, it brings back lots and lots of fond memories from your childhood. This pineapple jam is one among the list, which is so flavourful and has lovely texture of grated pineapple. This week, when I saw a pile of pineapples over the carts in every nook and corner of our streets, immediately my mind went back to my grandparents farmland, loads of pineapples and home style pineapple jams, which I used to cherish with breads, Roti’s or Dosa’s. My urge to have that taste in my taste bud was so strong, I couldn’t resist it and I bought one pineapple and made this jam.

Now we will jump into the recipe part  –



Pineapple – 1

Sugar – 1  to 1 ½  cups (adjust according to your taste)

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon


-Remove outer skin and make 4 vertical pieces.

-Grate the fruit.


-Now put these gratings in a thick bottomed Kadai and start cooking on a low fire.

-Mix in-between to avoid burning.

-When pineapple is cooked and all the water, which oozed out while cooking has evaporated, add sugar and mix.


-Cook until pineapple mixture leaves from the sides of the kadai.

-Add lemon juice, give one stir and switch off the gas.


-Cool this mixture and store this in a glass bottle.