Gluten free Masala Bread:

Wanted to experiment with banana flour which I had made at home, in baking bread. So, I tried my hand at this recipe. In the end, I got soft, dill flavoured bread. Which had nutritionally rich dill leaves, seasoned onion, Amaranth flour, homemade banana flour and fine rawa. People who want to try this, can replace the flour and try. One can use only All-purpose flour or whole wheat flour but handle your dough carefully.

bread main

Now we will see how I proceeded –


Amaranth / Rajgira flour – 1 cup

Banana flour – 1 cup

Fine rawa / semolina – 1 cup (used millet rawa)

Milk – 1 cup (vegans can use any other form of milk)

Water – ¼ cup

Active dry yeast – 2 tea spoons

Sugar – 2 table spoons

Oil – 2 table spoons

For masala:

Dill leaves – 1 small thin bunch

Curry leaves – 1 table spoon

Onion – 1

Green chillies – 2

Cumin – 1 tea spoon

Oil – 1 table spoon

Salt – 1 tea spoon

Turmeric – ½ tea spoon

For Garnishing and other:

Chia seed – 1 tea spoon

Butter – 1 table spoon

Milk – 1 table spoon

Oil – 2 table spoons


-First, we will arrange for yeast proofing: take Luke warm milk and water, dissolve sugar and add yeast, mix nicely by using spoon and keep aside by closing a lid for 10 minutes.

Ribbet collage 1

– If this has not shown any bubbles even after 10 minutes, discard the solution and prepare once again with fresh yeast.

-At the meantime, prepare for seasoning:

Ribbet collage 2

-Chop onions, green chillies. Heat oil, put cumin, onion and fry for a while. When onion becomes transparent, add curry leaves, dill, turmeric, salt.

-Switch off the gas, when greens wilts.

-Now put all the dry flours in food processor, dry run and mix thoroughly. Add in seasoning, oil and once more mix everything.

-Now pour yeast mixture and knead with the help of kneader. If it is very sticky, adjust the consistency by sprinkling extra flour.

-Ready dough should be little sticky, but not watery.

-Remove this dough from the processor, apply 2 table spoons of oil on this dough all over from the outside and keep it in a bowl covered with wet towel to rise (First rise)

Ribbet collage 3

-It will take anywhere between 1 ½ to 2 hours. (Dough should be doubled)

-After one and a half hours, remove this raised dough and place it over the work table by sprinkling some dry flour over the counter.

Ribbet collage 4

-Spread this dough into rectangular shape by pulling by hand (width should roughly match the bread baking tin)

-After pulling and spreading like a rectangular mat, fold it thrice or four times, like a real folding of the mat.

-Keep this folded roll in a greased baking tin, apply milk on top of the dough to avoid drying. Sprinkle chia seed and keep it for second proofing (rise) by closing it with a wet cloth or bigger vessel.

Ribbet collage 5

-When it rises after an hour, bake this in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes at 200® C.

-Immediately after taking out from the oven, apply butter all over at the top part and keep it for cooling.

Ribbet collage 6

-After it cools down, de-mould and slice the bread and enjoy with any jam or butter.


-If you want vegan version, please skip application of milk and butter.



Instant Oats-Rava Idli:

This is how I prepare oats idli/idly at home. This recipe is so handy, healthy and a very good option to finish off our stock of sour curd. I usually roast rawa and oats the previous night and proceed directly to prepare in the morning, so that one can save time and it also gets enough time to cool down properly. I don’t use any seasoning and make it exactly like our regular normal idly and serve either with hing or onion and coconut chutney.

pic main


Quick cooking oats – 1 ½ cup

Normal rava/semolina – 1 cup

Sour Curd – 2 cups

Water -1 cup

Eno fruit salt – 1tsp


Ghee /clarified butter – 1 table spoon


          Take one tawa and roast rava by adding ghee.

          When rawa becomes white, sandy in texture, add oats and proceed frying it for 2 to 3 minutes and switch off the gas.

collage 1

          Cool this properly. (I usually do this the previous night)

          Mix curds, water, required amount of salt (around 1 tsp) and Eno.

          Add roasted rawa and oats mixture. Consistency should be like regular idly batter.

          Set cooker for steam cooking, by adding 1 to 2 cups of water and keep it on a fire.

          Rinse idly moulds or stand with clean water (This will help as a non-sticky coating)

collage 2

          Pour 1 serving spoon of a ready batter, steam cook for 8 to 10 minutes.

          Serve with any chutney of your choice.


Instant Paddu:

This Recipe happened by fluke and I felt it was a very good option for kid’s tiffin boxes and basically my daughters loved it and they were asking me to include this as a regular item. So, I was thinking of sharing it with you all, lovely readers.

Last week when I made some biryani for kids and hubby’s tiffin box, no one was interested to carry a raita with them and I was left with one big bowl of onion and tomato raita. I wanted to utilise that sweetish raita in some way and thought of preparing rawa Paddu.

I took an inspiration from rawa idly mix and proceeded like that. Instead of adding only Rawa, I included millet idly rawa too and believe me, it was so tasty and the kids were saying “it was oozing with flavour and no side dish or chutney was needed” for this.

pic 7

Now we will see, how I proceeded –


Normal Rawa – 1 cup

Millet rawa- 1 cup

Ghee – 1 table spoon

Mustard – 1 tsp

Urad dal- 1 tsp

Cumin- ½ tsp

Hing- ¼ tsp

Curry leaves – 1 or 2 springs(chopped)

Eno fruit salt – 1 Tsp

Curd – 2 cups

Chopped onion -1

Chopped tomato – 1

Chopped coriander – little




-Make seasoning by taking ghee in one pan, when it is hot, add mustard. After mustard splutters, add urad dal, cumin, hing, chopped curry leaves and fry for a minute.

-Add plain rawa and millet rawa fry until it becomes grainy in texture.

pic 1

-Remove from the flame and cool the mixture into room temperature.

– Before preparing batter, take the curds, chopped onions, tomato, coriander leaves, salt and sugar mix nicely by adding Eno fruit salt.

pic 2   pic 3

– Now add seasoned, cooled rawa mix and give a stir. Mixture should be little watery kind at this point. Keep aside for 5 to 10 minutes so that batter will become thick now due to soaking of all the moisture by rawa.

-If batter is too thick you can add little more curds and adjust the consistency. It should be like idly batter and consistency should be little thick.

pic 4   pic 6

-Keep Appam or Paddu tawa, when it is hot keep it in a simmer, pour ½ tsp of ghee to every hole and pour the required amount of ready batter.

pic 5  pic 8

-Close the lid, cook for a while. Then flip and cook other side as well and then serve either as it is or with any chutney.


-Here I have used little millet idly rawa, you can use any millet rawa as well.

-If you don’t have access to millet rawa, you can use only rawa too.

– Here I have used Uppittu rawa/plain semolina/Bombay rawa.

-I did seasoning part on previous night and kept it aside for cooling. So that, morning it will be easy to mix and proceed to make Paddu.

-You can make this rawa mix and store it for a future use.