Published Works

1 ) I was a joint winner of the Papaya Recipe Contest  🙂 Check out the yummy recipe Here

2 ) Tiny step in print media 😀…my recipes have appeared in Vijaya Next weekly!


3 ) Different varieties of chutneys. Once again at Vijaya Next weekly !!


4 ) Varieties of recipes from Drumstick leaves at Vijaya Next weekly!!


5 ) Better Butter is India’s biggest food and recipe app for Android users. I do participate in the various contests conducted by them. Recently I was one among the seven wild card winners of their “Get frying” contest for my “Bonda Soup” recipe and won a” Nigella Bites” Cook by Nigella Lawson.


6 ) 2017 has started with so much fun. I was working towards some new recipes with Millets, and 6 of my recipes got featured in Millet Calendar 2017
A path to good health!

Sahaja Samrudha and the Indian Institute of Millet Research bring to you ‘Millet Calendar 2017’, a flamboyant product that showcases the benefits of adding millets to your daily diet. Also, find out about delicious recipes that will leave your taste buds tingling for more. To fortify our traditional food system and bring the goodness of millet to our plates, the calendar explores the most appropriate ways of consuming it.

millet 1 millet 2pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 pic 4 pic 5 pic 6

7 ) Better Butter is India’s biggest food and recipe app for Android users. I do participate in the various contests conducted by them. Seeing my “Tamarind pickle” @ 1st place in the Better butter #Picklespapadsandpodis recipe contest is overwhelming. Such a pleasant surprise it is!!! Received this useful Prize.


8) “ರಾಗಿ ತಿಂದವರು ನಿರೋಗಿ” -a book on cultivation and culture of Finger Millet by G. Krishna Prasad, published by Sahaja Samruddha collaborated with Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) Hyderabad is officially out and feel really #Blessed that I got to be a part of this project in a very small way by sharing 2 of my recipes.


9) 2018 has started on a happy note. I was working towards some new recipes with Millets, and 3 of my recipes got featured in Millet Calendar 2018 A path to good health!

Sahaja Samrudha and Sahaja Organics bring to you ‘Millet Calendar 2018’, a flamboyant product that showcases the benefits of adding millets to your daily diet. Also, find out about delicious recipes that will leave your taste buds tingling for more.

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10) One more milestone!!! Happy to see my Protein rich Millet Health Mix in a winner’s list under the “Recipes that are good for health” contest by the Better butter Team. Received this useful Prize as well.
Millet health mix is a wholesome breakfast solution for people who leave their homes very early in the morning, and yet they can get the goodness of whole food by preparing quick porridge. Once the powder is ready, it is easy and quick to prepare and consume. One can even prepare this drink, carry it in their bag, and have it at their convenience.
Recipe is here 👉…/…/25/protein-rich-millet-health-mix/


11) Age-old recipe of the coastal region, Halasina hannina kottige (jackfruit steam dumpling) made it into the “First” place in South Indian Recipe contest, which is conducted by Platter share. 😍🙏

The recipe is here –

If the pictorial guide is needed, you can visit my blog link –

12) On November 2nd 2018, it was officially out, and personally,It is a fulfilling feeling that I got to be a part of this project in a very small way by sharing 4 of my recipes.

Rice Calendar 2019 is a unique effort by the Save Our Rice Campaign and Sahaja Samrudha to popularize traditional rice and recipes.

Save our rice campaign proudly proclaims that it has successfully mainstreamed 100 traditional rice varieties nationwide. Each rice variety is unique and differs in its taste, colour, texture and cooking quality and contains some special properties like medicinal, scented, sticky and so on. The calendar, in this context, will help the consumers pick a rice variety and cook it by providing some traditional recipes.

13) 2018 ended on a happy note by winning  “First” place in the “Say Cheese” Recipe contest, which Cookpad India conducts. 😍🙏

The recipe is here –

If the pictorial guide is needed, you can visit my blog link –

14) 2019 ended on a happy note as well. One of my recipes was selected for the Yearly  (2019  edition) cookbook by Cookpad India. Glad to see my Neer dosa, which is our regional delicacy of Mangalore and very dear to our heart as well.

The recipe link is here –

If the pictorial guide is needed, you can visit my blog link as well  –

15)“Back to the ROOTS” 2020 is a unique effort by Sahaja Samrudha to popularise Root vegetables and Tubers.
It is my 5th year of association with Sahaja Samrudha. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Shri Krishna Prasad Govindaiah sir, who considered involving me and being a part of this noble cause of supporting farmers and introducing all the amazing, nutritious and most ignored products to the community at large due to this project personally got to know about the existence of Air potato as well as experimented and created three recipes, especially for this Calendar project. It was an experience in itself.

The calendar was officially out on January 31st 2020, and it is an amazing feeling that I got to be a part of this project in a small way by sharing many recipes. I’m glad to have been featured as a ‘Main Contributor’.

16) In association with the calendar launch, an initiative to popularise “Roots and Tubers.” We had a 3-day event called “roots and tubers festival / Gedde genasu mela.”

The primary focus of this three-day event was to support farmers. To showcase the natural resource which we have ignored the most. Introduce Promote farm-fresh produce, get a glimpse of rural India and demonstrate recipes and some introduction to handling / how to treat those Root veggies before cooking —conducting a cooking competition.

As I posted earlier regarding my participation in this event, I spoke about the primary classification of root vegetables,   precautions /how to treat the root vegetables before cooking, and how embracing and sticking to our traditional eating habits is vital. We covered many root vegetables, rhizomes, and their processing, storing and treatment. It included as common as Arbi, yam, Chinese potato, and Air potato.

Processing, Usage, Medicinal Property of Arrowroot and last but not least, ended with my favourite ingredient, Homemade Turmeric powder. Personally, it is very dear to my heart. I do it at home every year and spread awareness of its goodness by posting it on all my social handles.

After this session, we enjoyed the cooking process and had an opportunity to meet and attend Chef Pradeep Anand’s session.  It was a fantastic experience for me as well as all the participants.


The Forgotten Foods Calendar-2021, from organic collective Sahaja Samrudha, highlighted lesser-known but locally available edible plants, A calendar to bring forgotten ingredients back to your plate

Forgotten foods remind us of the food diversity around us, which are medicinal and healthier but are becoming neglected due to decreasing awareness in the younger generations.

The calendar’s motto highlighted that every part of a plant is edible. Hence it was divided into five categories – edible flowers, fruits and seeds, remedial leaves, Magical stems, and Wonder roots. The pages unveil a dizzying world of food options like the Agati flowers, Butterfly pea flowers, Glue berries or Lasura, Chicken weed purslane, Palm shoots and Purple yams, to name a few. Along with images, a brief explanation educates the reader about the benefits of consuming the food with detailed recipes. The bilingual calendar provides information in Kannada and English.

I feel Blessed that I got to be a part of this project in a small way by sharing some of the recipes.

18) Association with Sahaja Samrudha continues, and this year, in 2022, we have focussed on conserving and popularising lesser-known or neglected natural forms of food- Roots and Tubers.

Roots and tubers are starchy roots, rhizomes, stems and corms (A corm (or bulbo-tuber, bulbotuber) is a short, vertical, swollen underground plant stem that serves as a storage organ used by some plants to survive winter or other adverse conditions such as summer drought and heat )

The calendar holds descriptions and images of Root tuber, Stem tuber, rhizomes, air tubers and many supporting recipes to enhance the interest.

I am delighted to associate with this project by using some of the tubers for the first time, tasting it, using it in my cooking style, and clicking and writing recipes.

Here is a glimpse of images of different tubers and my published recipes.