Seven cup Burfi :

I am celebrating my blog’s 3rd Anniversary, what more reason do we need to celebrate than this? Presenting  one of the easiest sweets which can be prepared in a jiffy and with a straightforward. It is very easy to follow, no hassles of  making sugar syrup and worrying about its consistency. I must say, it is a beginner’s recipe, which is pretty simple, straight forward and hassle free. Mix everything, start making and at the end, be vigilant while achieving the right consistency and follow the notes, whatever I have listed. Even if you messed up a little, no worries, it would turn out delicious. If it is under done, it would be fudgy and if it is overdone, it would be like sweet granules. 😀


Besan /Bengal gram four – 1 cup

Milk – 1 cup

Ghee – 1 cup

Fresh grated coconut – 1 cup

Sugar – 3 cups ( I normally put 2 ¾ cup)


-Take one thick bottomed kadai, add everything from Besan to sugar.

-Switch on the gas. Fire should be kept at low flame and you should continue stirring without removing your hand.

-After 10 to 15 minutes you will see the changes and mixture will become bubbly and shiny.

-Now it is the time to add cardamom powder and be vigilant. It will be ready in any moment from now.

-When it is done, mixture will leave the sides, base and sides of the vessel will become light brown or sometimes we see the ghee separating and oozing out from the bubbles. (these are the indications to remove)

-Now pour this mixture to a greased vessel, don’t touch or press after pouring, leave as it is.

-Cool it for about 5 min and mark the lines by using a sharp knife.

-Once it is completely cooled (it takes anywhere between 2 to 3 hours), invert the plate on another plate or by keeping butter paper. It needs some knocking at the base because air bubbles would restrict the easy exit.

–   Remove gently, break all the pieces and store it in an airtight container.

Your 7 cup Burfi is ready to serve!




2 thoughts on “Seven cup Burfi :

  1. Suma Reply


    1. Shrikripa U Reply

      Thank you 🙂

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