Oats cookies with kisses:

Wanted to use Hershey’s “Kisses” in baking from so many days, finally I did try out this and my kids liked it too. These are a real treat for kids and at the same time filled with high fiber and are healthy because of the usage of Whole wheat flour and oats. I like lemon flavor in my cookies, if you don’t want to use lemon you can add vanilla or cardamom too.


Now we will see how I made this.


Whole wheat flour -1 cup

Powdered oats – 1 cup

Sugar -1 cup

Baking soda -1 tsp.

Grated lemon zest- ½ to 1 tsp.

Ghee /Clarified butter – ½ cup

Milk – 3  to 4 table spoons (to bind)

Hershey’s Kisses chocolates for decoration.


-In a mixer jar, powder oats, measure and keep aside.

-powder sugar and keep aside.

-Now take one mixing bowl, take all the dry ingredients like whole wheat flour, oats powder ,sugar powder ,baking soda ,lemon rind and mix it thoroughly by using hand ,so that flavor will spread uniformly.

-Now mix in melted ghee and bind it together. If it is a little dry, add one to two table spoons of milk, if it binds and holds a shape well and good. Otherwise add one more table spoon of milk and make a ball like Chapati dough.

-Now pre-heat your oven in 180C.

-Line your cookie tray with butter paper or aluminum foil and keep it ready.

-Take one small cookie scoop or a Table spoon to shape the dough into semi-circle balls, and place them on a parchment covered baking/cookie tray.

Ribbet collage 1

-Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until base becomes light brown in colour.

-While baking process is going on, keep kisses chocolate ready by removing its cover.

-When it is done, take out the tray and immediately press a chocolate into the center of each cookie.

Ribbet collage 2

-Base of this chocolate will melt a little, so it holds firmly after it cools down. Cookie will crack around the edges.

-Now don’t disturb these beauties and allow them to cool completely. It will take anywhere between one to two hours to cool completely.

-Because of the heat, chocolate will become very soft and after some time it will hold its shape and become firm.

-Then you can store this in an airtight container.


Gluten free Masala Cookies:

This masala cookie is low in sugar and perfect as a snack for toddlers or elders. This recipe works out with any permutation combination of flours. I have worked with the addition of Amaranth flour with banana flour. As well as the Combination of whole wheat flour, oats flour and banana flour as well. Every time, it gives crunchy outside, soft inside cookies, and if you are feeding diabetic people, it is a healthier option when compared to packaged biscuits. 

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Amaranth flour /Rajgira Atta – 1 cup ( you can use 1/2 cup of whole wheat + 1/2 cup of oats flour as well) 

Plantain/Raw banana flour – ½ cup

Butter – 100 grams

Salt – 1tea spoon

Baking powder – ¼ teaspoon

Baking soda – ¼ teaspoon

spice blend –1 to  2 tablespoons (a blend of spices like cinnamon, pepper, ginger or as per the choice ) 

Desiccated coconut – 2 tablespoons

Sugar – 3 tablespoons

Curd –2 tablespoons


  • Pre-heat oven at 170-degree C.
  • Take one bowl, mix all the dry ingredients such as flours, salt, baking soda and powder, spice blend dry mix/sieve a couple of times and keep it ready.
  • Cream butter, sugar and curd (2 tbl spoons) by using a food processor or hand. Add dry flour, desiccated coconut and make a firm dough.

  • Line the cookie tray with butter paper.
  • Drop the dough into the cookie tray using a table spoon to shape and get the uniform cookies.
  • Mark X at the top of the cookie to get a design by using the tip of the knife.
  • Bake this in a pre-heated oven for 15 – 20 minutes. Pull out and cool.
  • Store this in an airtight container. This measurement yields around 18 -20 cookies.

Cornmeal-Cranberry Scones:

These are very soft, crumbly and melt- in- the -mouth kind of delicacies. It has rich corn meal flavour and it is neither a cookie nor a cake and is very mildly sweet. It does not need any side dishes like butter or jam and one can enjoy it as it is with a cup of tea or coffee.



All-purpose flour- 1 cup

Cornmeal- ¾ cup

Butter- 100 grams

Dried cranberries- ½ cup

Baking powder – ¾ teaspoon

Baking soda- ¾ teaspoon

Salt – ¼ teaspoon

Sugar – ½ cup

Butter milk – ½ cup (chilled)

Topping – Sugar crystals


  • Pre heat oven at 170 C
  • Take one mixer jar or food processor. Put all the dry ingredients like flour, corn meal, salt, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Dry grind all these for a couple of rounds.
  • Chop the butter into bite size pieces and add. Again dry grind until flour becomes crumbly and wet.
  • Add buttermilk and run the food processor. Dough will become a little sticky.
  • Line the cookie tray with butter paper.
  • Drop the dough into lined cookie tray either by using spoon or ice cream scoop.

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  • Sprinkle some sugar on top and bake this in a pre-heated oven for 12 to 15 minutes.


  • It yielded 15 scones for me and I have used small ice cream scoop to scoop out the dough.


Gingerbread cookies:

My daughter wanted to bake gingerbread man cookies for this Christmas and she was asking for the recipe of the same. I finally gave her a recipe with the ingredients which were available in our pantry.Now I will handover this post to my daughter, who is 15 year old 🙂

Hi all, I am Vinushree. I really wanted some gingerbread cookies this year, and we made this unique version of gingerbread man cookies- but as women. I just wanted to bring out women empowerment. Just kidding, we didn’t have the cookie cutter for a man ;).  This was very fun to make and an easy process. Please enjoy.



All-purpose flour – 3 ½ cup

Cinnamon powder – 1 ½ tsp

Ginger powder – 1 ½ tsp

Salt – ½ tsp

Baking soda- ¾ tsp

Egg -1

Jaggery syrup – ½ cup

Light brown sugar – ½ cup

Cooking Butter – ¾ cup

For Icing:

Cooking chocolate – 4 squares

Nutella – 2 tbl sp

Icing sugar – ½ cup

Vanilla essence – ½ tsp

Milk – 2 tbl sp.


  • Mix all the dry ingredients by using wire whisk, like flour, cinnamon, ginger, salt, baking soda and keep aside.
  • Beat butter and sugar by using stand mixer. When it is done, add in egg, jaggery syrup and beat nicely.
  • Add dry ingredient and make dough into 3 parts and keep this in a fridge by wrapping in a cling film cover or in a zip lock separately.
  • Keep this for one hour and remove one of the dough parts from the fridge and keep this outside for 5 minutes.
  • At the same time, pre heat the oven at 170 degree C and line a cookie tray with butter paper.
  • Now roll the dough by using Chapati roller, by dusting some flour into ¼ inch thickness and by using cookie cutter and bake this for 12 to 14 minutes.


  • After it cools down, make the icing.
  • Take one microwave safe glass bowl, put icing sugar, chocolate, Nutella, milk and vanilla. Microwave for 1 minute and mix nicely. If it is melted and perfectly blends, start dipping those cookies into it and decorate with any sprinkles. Otherwise heat chocolate mixture for some more time and proceed.


  • Dry them in air for one to two hours, and then store them in an airtight container.

Choco chip cookie with M&M:

Who can resist Choco chips and m&m? My kids just love this combination and it works really well as a birthday party treat too.

If u have leftover m&m’s at home which you totally forgot about? This is a yummy way to use them up! Every crumb tastes so delicious; you wouldn’t want to put it down!



Whole wheat flour -1 cup

All-purpose flour – 1 ½ cup

Baking powder – ¾ tea spoon

Cooking soda – ¾ tsp

Demerara sugar – 1 cup

White sugar – ½ cup

Butter – 200 Grams (I have used 100 gms butter + 100 gms sunflower oil)

Eggs – 2

Vanilla essence – 1 tsp

Choco chip – ¾ cup

m&m chocolates – to decorate.


–  Pre heat oven to 170º C, grease cookie tray and line with butter paper.

-Add all the dry ingredients (flours + baking powder + cooking soda).

-Take a bowl, put butter and beat nicely. Add both the sugars, vanilla essence and once again beat until it becomes soft and airy. Now add eggs and beat. Add all the dry ingredients and mix using a spatula .While mixing add Choco chip. Now using an ice cream scooper, drop the dough into the cookie tray .


-If you have m&m s, you can press it on to the center.

–  Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until knife comes out clean.


When it’s done, take it out and cool. After it cools completely store it in an air tight container.