Sweet Corn and Cheese Paratha/Parata:

Week days are really challenging for moms of school going kids. We must see the nutritional factor as well as the taste. This stuffing is such, it is tasty, nutritious and loved by any kids from tiny tots to teenagers. It has sweet corn, cabbage and cheese.

These three are very tasty and nutritious as well. Sweet corn contains a lot of vitamin B12, Iron, Folic acid and soluble fibre etc.

Cabbage also is rich in vitamins; minerals and it is quite filling as well. In India, the only concern is that it has high pesticide content. So, wash with salt or vinegar solution a couple of times, drain and use.

Now it is cheese. Who doesn’t love cheese? Like all dairy products cheese also provides required calcium to our body and kids need it even more. Usage in limited quantity is always good 😊

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For Chapati dough:

Whole wheat flour- 2 cups

Salt- ½ tsp

Water – as required

Oil – 1 tsp

For stuffing:

Cabbage – 3 table spoons

Sweet Corn – 3 table spoons

Capsicum – ½

Onion – 1 (small)

Oregano or Any pizza seasoning – ½ to 1 tsp

Chopped Garlic – 3 flakes

Red chilli flakes – ½ to 1 tsp


Turmeric – ½ tsp

Grated cheese – 2 table spoons.


-Make soft pliable chapati dough by mixing all the above ingredients under chapati. Keep aside.

-Boil corn and drain water.

-Chop garlic, onion, capsicum, cabbage.

-Churn or crush cooked corn, cabbage and capsicum in food processer or veggie chopper.

-Take one wok, add oil, chopped garlic, onion, turmeric and fry for a while.

-Next add crushed veggies, put salt and seasoning.  Fry for 2 minutes or until it wilts.

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-Cool and add grated cheese and mix nicely and make small balls.

-Now take lemon sized chapati dough in hand, spread as a small disc by using fingers.

-Keep this in your left palm, in a cup shape, put filling (smaller in size) and cover it.

-Now take extra flour for dusting and spread or roll this ball with light pressure by using a roller.

-Cook both the sides by using either oil, ghee or butter.

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-Enjoy this either with ketchup or pickle.


-Instead of chopped garlic and salt, one can use garlic salt as well.

Millet Choco chip cookie:

Millets are a very good alternative to normal All-purpose flour or whole wheat flour in gluten free baking. You can’t even recognize the core ingredient. It is gluten free as well as high in nutrition too.

When I was trying out some recipes for 2017 Millet calendar, I dished out a couple of recipes, which has turned out super tasty, and at the same time, healthy too.

At first, I tried Chocolate based cookie and it tasted good and here is the recipe-.

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 Mixed millet flour -1 cup

Ragi flour – ¾ cup

Cocoa powder – 2 tbl sp.

Salt – ¼ tsp

Baking powder – ¾ tsp

Baking soda – ¾ tsp

Egg -1

Sugar – ¾ cup

Butter – 100 gms

Curd – 2 tbl sp

Vanilla essence – 1 tsp

Choco-chip – 2 tbl sp

Powdered sugar – to roll the dough.


-Put all the dry ingredients- flours, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and soda, Choco chip in one bowl, mix nicely and keep aside.

– Take another bowl and put butter and sugar, beat until sugar dissolves and butter becomes smooth.

-Add in egg and beat, add vanilla essence, curd and beat until batter is smooth.

– Now add dry ingredient flour mixture and make cookie dough by mixing like Chapati dough.

– Take one round spoon and make uniformly sized ball, dip in a sugar powder and arrange in a lined baking tray.

– Bake this in a pre- heated oven at 170º C for 12 to 14 minutes or until base becomes light brown.

-When it is done, remove and cool. Store this in an air tight container.

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Note: This measurement yields around 28 cookies of this size.

Chocolate cake from Ghee Residue:

Ghee residue is a moist, brown coloured by-product formed after preparing ghee from white butter.

Ghee residue is a rich source of essential fatty acids, natural anti-oxidants and proteins.

In olden days, people used this as a natural body scrub. When I was a child, my mum used to rub this on me, before bath and I now feel nostalgic while seeing this brown sediment and so I make it a point to use this without throwing by using either in Atta kneading or in baking.

This time, I had a couple of Pea protein powder packs in my hand, which was given by my lovely co-sister who is a Ayurvedic doctor. So, I included that as well in this brownie kind of chocolatey cake.

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All-purpose flour – 1 cup

Whole wheat flour – ½ cup

Mixed millet flour – ½ cup

Choco chip – ¼ cup

Protein powder – ½ cup

Milk powder – ¼ cup

Cocoa powder – ¼ cup

Sugar – 1 cup

Ghee Residue – 2 table spoons

Milk – 1 ¼ cups

Vanilla essence- 1 tea spoon

Baking soda – 1 teaspoon


  • Measure everything and keep it ready. Pre-heat oven at 180 C.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients like, flours, protein powder, milk powder, cocoa powder and sieve couple of times and mix in Choco chip and stir nicely. Keep it aside.
  • If you coat Choco chips with dry flours, it will not sink in the bottom while baking.
  • Now take ghee residue, put milk and heat it. When ghee residue is mixed nicely with milk, switch off the gas.

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  • Add sugar, vanilla essence and baking soda and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, beat this wet mixture thoroughly until mixture forms a bubble at the upper layer.
  • Fold in dry ingredient and make a batter. (don’t beat or over mix in this step)

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  • Bake this in a lined baking dish in a pre-heated oven at 180 C for 30 to 40 minutes or until done (when you insert a tooth pick or knife in the centre of cake, it should come out clean)

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-You can use only All-purpose flour or mixture of any flour.

-If you don’t have any protein powder in hand, instead of protein powder, use milk powder.

Homemade Maaza / Mango Juice:

Hi all. Today I bring to you Homemade Maaza !

Everyone knows what maaza is, but now you can also make it at home without any artificial flavors or preservatives and it tastes exactly the same!

My kids love this very refreshing bottled drink.So, I tried it at home and I make it a point to prepare it every year in Mango season 🙂



Ripe mangoes –    5

Raw (thothapuri) mango – 1 ½

Sugar – almost 2 ½ cup (according to taste)

Salt – ½ tsp.

Method : –

-Wash Ripe mangos and raw mangoes remove outer skin and chop it. Quantity should be 2:1 (ripe mango will be more and raw mango will be less).

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-Now take these chopped Mango pieces in the cooker, add around 2 cups of sugar, little water (up to mango pieces)

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-Cook this for two whistles, switch off the gas, when pressure releases, open the lid and cool the mixture.

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-When it becomes a little cool, blend this mixture by using hand blender or mixer grinder.

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-Now add required amount of water (check thickness while adding ) till you get required amount of thickness like store bought maaza .

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  • After achieving required thickness, add salt, check for sweetness, if u feel u need some more sugar, add and mix nicely.
  • After all the adjustment ,take one vessel and sieve this mixture and discard the fiber part.

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  • Collect this smooth juice in a clean bottle and keep this for cooling in a fridge. Serve and enjoy this juice after cooling.

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  • I got 3 liters of juice with the quantities I specified.

Orange – Nutella Swirl cupcakes:

These millet cupcakes are healthy and delicious at the same time,  a very good snack for all the kids who are studying hard for exams.

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Mixed millet flour- ½ cup

Whole wheat flour- ¼ cup

All-purpose flour – ¾ cup

Ghee – ¼ cup

Egg – 1

Sugar – ¾ cup

Salt – ¼ tsp

Baking powder – ¾ tsp

Baking soda – ¾ tsp

Curd – ¾ cup

Orange zest – 1 tsp

Nutella – as required


  • Pre-heat oven in 170 C. Line cupcake baking tray with paper liners.

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  • Mix all the dry ingredients like millet flour, whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour, baking powder and soda, sieve 2 to 3 times or mix with dry whisk.
  • Now take one more bowl or food processer, put egg, curd, sugar, ghee, salt and beat nicely.
  • Grate orange zest from outer surface of the orange (Don’t add any white part) and add this to liquid and beat one more time.
  • Now pour this wet mixture into dry ingredient mixture and fold in and mix everything lightly.
  • Don’t over mix.
  • Pour this mixture into cupcake tray by using the spoon.

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  • Drop Nutella on the top of each batter filled cupcake mould, swirl a little.
  • Bake this in a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes or until done.

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  • Enjoy with evening tea. It is a good option as a snack as well.

Eggless Carrot cake:

This flavourful cake happened by chance. I usually make carrot milkshake paste with almonds in the summer. This year I tried this paste by adding pine nuts instead of almonds and it didn’t go very well with my family. To finish off this paste, I tried this by making cake and it was a super-duper hit and it tastes really moist and soft.

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Whole wheat flour – 1 cup

All-purpose flour – ½ cup

Fine rawa- ½ cup

Baking powder – 1 tsp

Baking soda -1 tsp

Sugar – 1 ½ cup

Desiccated coconut – ½ cup

Carrot milkshake paste – 2 cups

Clarified butter/ghee – ½ cup

Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Salt- ¼ tsp


-Sieve all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, fine rawa and baking powder for 2 to three times and keep aside. This is our dry ingredient mixture.

-Beat the wet ingredient like carrot milk shake paste, ghee, sugar.

-Mix in baking soda, salt and desiccated coconut, cardamom powder and beat.

-You will see a frothy texture. This is our ready wet ingredient mixture.

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-Pour wet ingredient to dry ingredient, lightly mix without over doing.

-Bake this in a pre-heated oven at 180 C for 40 to 50 minutes.

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-After checking its doneness, remove from the oven, cool and serve.