Millets are a very good alternative to normal All-purpose flour or whole wheat flour in gluten free baking. You can’t even recognize the core ingredient. It is gluten free as well as high in nutrition too.
When I was trying out some recipes for 2017 Millet calendar, I dished out a couple of recipes, which has turned out super tasty, and at the same time, healthy too.
At first, I tried Chocolate based cookie and it tasted good and here is the recipe-.
Mixed millet flour -1 cup
Ragi flour – ¾ cup
Cocoa powder – 2 tbl sp.
Salt – ¼ tsp
Baking powder – ¾ tsp
Baking soda – ¾ tsp
Egg -1
Sugar – ¾ cup
Butter – 100 gms
Curd – 2 tbl sp
Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
Choco-chip – 2 tbl sp
Powdered sugar – to roll the dough.
-Put all the dry ingredients- flours, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and soda, Choco chip in one bowl, mix nicely and keep aside.
– Take another bowl and put butter and sugar, beat until sugar dissolves and butter becomes smooth.
-Add in egg and beat, add vanilla essence, curd and beat until batter is smooth.
– Now add dry ingredient flour mixture and make cookie dough by mixing like Chapati dough.
– Take one round spoon and make uniformly sized ball, dip in a sugar powder and arrange in a lined baking tray.
– Bake this in a pre- heated oven at 170º C for 12 to 14 minutes or until base becomes light brown.
-When it is done, remove and cool. Store this in an air tight container.
Note: This measurement yields around 28 cookies of this size.
Shwetha July 19, 2017
Hey Srikripa,
The cookies look lovely. Can’t wait to try making them. It may sound naive, but what millets are there in mixed millet flour?
Shrikripa U July 20, 2017
Hi Shwetha, mixed millet flour has 3 to 4 millets in it. it is easily available in all the stores.
Shwetha August 6, 2017
I made a big batch of it not knowing how it’ll turn out. Had replaced Choc chip and cocoa with ginger powder. And mixed my own millets ( Ragi, Foxtail) . I must say it turned out delicious Shrikripa. Me, my toddler, her friends and my friends loved it too. Thanks for the recipe ?
Shrikripa U August 7, 2017
Thanks a bunch shwetha for trying and happy that it worked out fine and liked it too.