Honagone soppu Pulav:

Honagone, Ponnangani, Sessile Joy weed or Alternanthera sessilis is a vegetable which is filled with many nutrients. It is a wild plant, spreads very well during or after the first rain. Tender leaves and stems are consumed as vegetable especially in South India.

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It has so many medicinal properties and is known for its diuretic, laxative properties. The plant is also used as an ingredient in the making of medicinal hair oils, and believed to be very good for eyes as well.

Usually I make use of these greens in various dhal preparation and this time I tried to make Pulav and it turned out well.

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Here is the recipe –


Rice – 3 cups (took sona masuri variety)

Onion – 2

Tomato – 2 (small)

Turmeric – ½ tsp.

Veggies of your choice – 1 bowl

To make masala paste:

Coconut- 2 table spoon

Green chillies -4

Ginger – 1 inch piece

Garlic -7 cloves

Pudina – 2 table spoons

Coriander leaves – 2 table spoons

Whole Coriander – 1 tsp

Cinnamon – 1 inch

Pepper – 4

Clove – 2

Curd – 1 serving spoon


Ghee – 2 table spoons

Bay leaf – 1

Mace -1

Cumin – 1 tsp


-Wash rice, drain and keep aside.

-Grind masala by adding all the ingredients under “To make masala paste”

– Slice onion and tomatoes.

– Take one cooker, add Ghee /clarified butter. When it is hot, put all the ingredients under “Seasoning”.

– Put sliced onion and fry until it becomes light brown. Add turmeric and fry.

-Add sliced tomatoes, sprinkle some salt. When it is done, add chopped veggies.

-Here I have taken beans, carrot, knol kohl, green peas and Honagone greens.


-Fry all these until it becomes transparent. Add ground masala and fry for a while.

-Add salt and 6 cups of water (1:2 cups)

-When water starts boiling, add drained rice and cook this for 2 whistles.

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– Serve this with onion raita.

6 thoughts on “Honagone soppu Pulav:

  1. Moises Reply

    I like the article

    1. Shrikripa U Reply

      Thank you so much.

  2. Prakash Gwalani Reply

    This is Red ponnankanni keerai plants in Tamilnadu I hope I am correct in identifying it as red variety of ponnankanni keerai plants

    1. Shrikripa U Reply

      Yes Sir. It is Ponnakanni keerai.

  3. Priya Reply

    Are you sure this is not alligator weed?

    1. Shrikripa U Reply

      It is also known as Alligator weed. Just checked it and it says, Kannada: Dodda honagone,Mosale honagone.

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