Red velvet Cake :

Hey, this is Anushree here and this is my first guest post on my mom’s blog! I have been home from college for a few days now and thought I’d make something special as Christmas is coming up and my sister is coming back from college in 2 days! So, I decided to make a Red velvet cake.

Yes! You heard it right. It is not deep red in colour but filled with healthy ingredients. It is No Artificial colour and No All-purpose flour recipe. And to pull this off, I obviously needed some assistance from an expert in healthy cooking, who happens to be my mom, so that worked out great for me!

In olden days, Red velvet cake was made with All-purpose flour and Beets. Here I have used Mixed healthy flour ( Amaranth , Red rice and Almond flour) with beetroot. So, it is not a white cake with red dye.

While frosting, instead of new age cream cheese, I have opted for an original Ermine icing , which is also known as boiled milk frosting. Here, instead of All-purpose flour I have used mixture of  Almond flour and Arrowroot powder with milk to attain a creamy and flowy texture.

Here is my recipe- Fits for 9” spring foam pan.


For the Cake:

Beetroot – 1 (small,  to get 3 tablespoons of puree)

Amaranth flour – 1cup

Brown rice flour – 1cup

Almond flour – ½ cup

Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon

Cooking soda – 1 tsp

Salt – ¼ tsp

Eggs – 2

Brown Sugar – 1 ½ cup

Butter – 200 grams

Vanilla – 1 tsp

Buttermilk – 1 ¼ cup

For the Frosting:

Milk – 1 cup

Almond flour – 5 tablespoons

Arrowroot powder – 1 tablespoon

Butter – 50 grams

Sugar – ½ cup

Vanilla – 1 tsp

Desiccated coconut – as needed

Slivered Almonds – As needed


To Bake the cake:

-Pre heat oven for 180° C . Line the baking tray and keep it ready.

-Cook Beetroot in a pressure pan for 2 to 3 whistles, peel the skin and grate.

-Measure every ingredient and keep it ready. Melt butter and keep aside.

-Take a mixer jar, make a paste of grated beet with ¼ cup of buttermilk ,which we have kept for the batter preparation.

-Take one glass bowl, beat eggs, then sugar, melted butter ,pureed beetroot, vanilla and lastly one cup of buttermilk.

-Beat everything until it is well mixed and keep aside.

-Now take one more bowl, put all the dry ingredients, all the three flours, cocoa powder, salt and cooking soda. Sieve couple of times or dry whisk and keep it ready.

–Pour the previously prepared wet mixture to dry ingredients and fold the batter by using any spatula.

-Pour the batter in lined baking tray and keep this for baking for 40 -50  minutes or until done.

-Before removing, check with a knife by inserting, in the baked cake. It should come out clean.

-Cool the cake completely before doing the frosting part.

Method for Frosting:

-Take milk ,Almond flour and Arrowroot powder in a saucepan. Boil the mixture until it is cooks and becomes creamy.

-Switch off the flame, add in butter ,sugar and Vanilla, mix well. Cool the mixture and keep it in the fridge to cool further making it more solid. ( I have not kept in the fridge)

-Now, slice the cake, make a 2-equal slice, Apply the frosting on first layer and cover it with the second slice.

-Now pour frosting on the top, as well as apply at the sides as well. Take desiccated coconut and dust at the top as well as at the sides.

-Decorate the cake with slivered almonds and serve and enjoy with the family <3


For Egg less version, please use any egg replacer or 

Flax gel:The basic ratio is 2 ½ tsp of flax seed powder and three tablespoons of  hot water  and then you simply whisk in the mixture until it becomes gelatinous  to replace one egg.

Cranberry and White chocolate cookies:

It is an easy, eggless, one bowl recipe. No baking powder or soda in it. To increase the protein quotient, I have added little moong ( green gram dal) flour as well. These white chocolate cranberry soft, chewy , flavourful cookies are so simple and so addictive! 😀

Cranberries and white chocolate make the best Christmas coloured cookie. You can see one more green gram flour/ gluten free cookie over here .


All-purpose flour – 3/4cup

Green gram/ Moong dal flour – ¼ cup

Butter – 100 grams

Sugar – ½ cup (powdered)

Dried cranberry – ¼ cup

White chocolate chips – ¼ cup


-Mix All purpose flour and moong dal flour and keep it ready.

-Beat butter and sugar until fluffy and soft, either by using hand or food processor.

-Now add flour and mix until u gets uniform mass. Add in white chocolate chips and dried cranberries and make a dough.

-Now take one cling film sheet and keep this dough over it, on a flat surface and make squarish or round log, maintain uniform shape and cover with wrapping. Keep it under refrigeration for an hour.

-Now take your baking tray and line with a butter paper.

-After one hour, remove this dough from the fridge and unwrap the Clingfilm cover, make slices of ½” thickness and arrange these pieces in a lined baking tray.

-Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170°C for 14 to 18 minutes.

-Cool this on a wire rack and store this in an airtight container.

-My family just loved it and hope you also like it as much as we did.

Seven cup Burfi :

I am celebrating my blog’s 3rd Anniversary, what more reason do we need to celebrate than this? Presenting  one of the easiest sweets which can be prepared in a jiffy and with a straightforward. It is very easy to follow, no hassles of  making sugar syrup and worrying about its consistency. I must say, it is a beginner’s recipe, which is pretty simple, straight forward and hassle free. Mix everything, start making and at the end, be vigilant while achieving the right consistency and follow the notes, whatever I have listed. Even if you messed up a little, no worries, it would turn out delicious. If it is under done, it would be fudgy and if it is overdone, it would be like sweet granules. 😀


Besan /Bengal gram four – 1 cup

Milk – 1 cup

Ghee – 1 cup

Fresh grated coconut – 1 cup

Sugar – 3 cups ( I normally put 2 ¾ cup)


-Take one thick bottomed kadai, add everything from Besan to sugar.

-Switch on the gas. Fire should be kept at low flame and you should continue stirring without removing your hand.

-After 10 to 15 minutes you will see the changes and mixture will become bubbly and shiny.

-Now it is the time to add cardamom powder and be vigilant. It will be ready in any moment from now.

-When it is done, mixture will leave the sides, base and sides of the vessel will become light brown or sometimes we see the ghee separating and oozing out from the bubbles. (these are the indications to remove)

-Now pour this mixture to a greased vessel, don’t touch or press after pouring, leave as it is.

-Cool it for about 5 min and mark the lines by using a sharp knife.

-Once it is completely cooled (it takes anywhere between 2 to 3 hours), invert the plate on another plate or by keeping butter paper. It needs some knocking at the base because air bubbles would restrict the easy exit.

–   Remove gently, break all the pieces and store it in an airtight container.

Your 7 cup Burfi is ready to serve!




Nugge soppina Khara dosey/Moringa leaves mini dosa :

Mini dosas are traditionally known as “Sanna Polo” which is the tastiest side dish of Konkani community of our region. Basically, it is a red chilli and hing flavoured rice batter, with added goodness of any greens or chopped cabbage and chopped onion.

Here I have used chopped Moringa/ nugge soppu/ drumstick leaves which is a powerhouse of nutrients. Back in 2016  I had tried a bunch of moringa recipes to publish in Vijaya next kannada daily. Already I have shared Moringa powder and  Chutney recipe with you all and now we will see how to do a mini dosa.


Dosa rice – 1 ½ cup

Byadagi chilli – 6 to 8 ( roasted)

Tamarind – 1 tbsp

Coconut – 1 cup

Jaggery – 1tsp

Salt – to taste

Turmeric – ½ tsp

Hing – peanut size

Moringa leaves – 1 bowl

Onion – 1 (big)


-Soak dosa rice for 2 to 3 hours after washing.

-Make a paste of chilli ,coconut, tamarind, salt, jaggery, turmeric, hing. Now add soaked rice and grind into small rava consistency.

-Add chopped onion and moringa leaves. Adjust the consistency by adding extra water.

-Batter consistency should be like idli batter. Start making dosas by heating iron dosa griddle.

-Pour little batter, don’t spread. Keep gas flame in simmer, spread coconut oil ,close the lid and cook.

-When one side is cooked, flip and roast another side. Serve as a side dish with Rasam rice, dhal rice.


-To get an authentic taste, use a coconut oil.

Pepper flavoured Banana Chips:

Pepper flavoured banana chips can be prepared by using any local varieties of Raw banana or Semi ripe but firm Kerala plantain. Banana I have used is home grown, small variety which we call as Gali bale. One can use Yelakki or any other variety of banana which is Non-ripe, green one.

Colour of the chips is not bright unlike Kerala plantain chips. It is earthy and peppery in flavour.

Now we will proceed towards the recipe-


Green Banana – 10

Salt – 1 tbl sp

Water – 1 small cup

Coconut oil – To deep fry.

Chips slicer – to slice

Pepper powder – as needed


  • Apply some oil to your hand. To some extent it will protect your hand from blackening.
  • Take fresh, green plantain, wash properly. Peel the outer skin by using knife at the upper tip, use hand and proceed to peel till the bottom.
  • Immerse these peeled bananas in a bowl of water.
  • Take one small bowl of water and mix salt and keep is your salted water, which is used while frying chips.
  • Now you can keep coconut oil for heating. When it is very hot, start making chips. To test the hotness of oil, drop one small piece of plantain, if it pops up immediately, it is ready.
  • Take out plantain from water, pat dry and start slicing directly to the hot oil by using slicer.
  • Use one or two plantains at a time.
  • Keep flame at medium. When the slices of plantain cook, the bubbling sound of the oil becomes faint. Now you can add 1 tbl spoon of salted water, and you will hear lot of bubbles and bubbling sound. When the sound reduces, the chips are ready to be removed from the oil.
  • Remove the chips from the oil and keep them on a tissue-laid bowl and sprinkle some black pepper powder and mix by shaking the bowl up and down.
  • After cooling store, it in an airtight container and proceed with the remaining plantain.




Ripe Jackfruit Idli:

Jack fruit idli is Instant , if you have left over Jackfruit dosa batter 😀 . Other wise you should soak dosa rice for 2 hours and then you can proceed to make idli. Last week when I made dosa , I had some left-over batter and tried this idli instead of our usual traditional kottige. Which is wrapped and steam cooked in Plantain leaf.

It turned out to be super soft and fluffy. It is very easy, at the same time no compromises in taste.

How I made:


Dosa rice – 1 cup

Cleaned jack fruit – 1 big bowl 


Coconut gratings – ½ cup

Grated Jaggery – 2 tablespoons ( as required)

Ghee – 1 table soon (optional, but it surely enhance the taste)

Eno fruit salt – ½ tsp (optional)


-Wash and soak Dosa rice in sufficient water for 2 to 3 hours.

– Chop the jack fruit, remove bulbs and separate outer cover and inner seed.

– Collect only the outer yellow fruit shell and put it in a mixer grinder, give couple of whipping sessions and remove.

-Divide it in half ( use one half for grinding and other half to ready batter. to enhance the taste.

– Now take soaked rice, half of  fruit chunks  , put little water and grind this into a smooth paste by adding sufficient salt. Batter consistency should be  little thicker.

-Take coconut gratings, mix in jaggery, little ghee( if you wish) and mix in half of jack pieces which we have kept aside.

-Mix this mixture with ground batter. If you want, add Eno and mix everything and make idlies by using idli mould.

-serve this with honey or with ginger chutney.            


For ginger chutney: Fry red chillies with little oil and grind it with coconut, salt, little tamarind and piece of ginger.

If you have ready Dosa batter, add jack fruit pieces, coconut, jaggery ,ghee, Eno and mix everything and proceed.

If you are using idli stand, grease the idli plate with oil/ghee and pour a ladle full of batter and steam cook them in pressure cooker for 10-15 minutes.
Let it cool for few minutes before serving the idlis with spicy chutney and ghee.

Kadu Mavina hannina Hasi Gojji/ Wild Mango Gojju:

Wild mangoes are known as Kadu mavina hannu in our local language. Which is very fibrous, tangy as well as sweet in taste. It has distinct taste; it is widely used in varieties of curries in our region. Hasi Gojju is nothing but, raw form of curry. Which can be prepared in a jiffy and doesn’t need any heating and is a perfect treat for summer. Usually we enjoy this with hot rice as well as devoured like a dessert :D. In Mango season, we do prepare varieties of curries like Sasame or Sasive, saaru and Gojju are the most loved dishes of our region.


Wild mangoes -5-6

Salt – to taste

Jaggery – to taste

Green chillies – 1 or 2

Seasoning: Coconut oil – 1 tsp, mustard – 1 tsp, Red chilli – 1, Curry leaves – little.


  • Wash wild mangoes, remove top part of the mango, remove outer skin and keep this in a separate vessel. Keep inner fruit part in another vessel.

  • Add one cup of water to outer skin, mash nicely, collect pulpy water and add this to fruit.
  • Discard outer remaining skin. Add required amount of jaggery, salt and crush green chillies by using your hand.
  • Mix everything, check for the seasoning. If needed add some more grated jaggery or salt.
  • Season by using coconut oil. When it is hot, add mustard, after it splutters, add red chilli and curry leaves, add this to mango curry.

  • Enjoy this with hot rice.


-If you don’t have access to wild mango, don’t worry. Pick up any (little sour) varieties of mango, peel the outer skin and chop the fruit into bite size pieces or mash a little and proceed with above method.


Carrot – Bell fruit Kosambari /salad:

When you have abundant supply of home-grown Bell fruits in Summer, you tend to use it in anything and everything for sure 😀

Bell fruit has many names like Java apple, Wax apple, Water apple, Syzygium, Jambi fruit or Jambu nerale. I normally prefer to use local, easily available and pesticide free stuffs as much as possible. I have shared the juice recipe before and now I am sharing one salad or commonly known as Kosambari in our local term. Which is “no onion and no garlic” and ideal for any fasting or festivities.



Carrots – 2 (red or normal)

Bell fruit – 10 – 12


Raw mango or lemon – as needed

Grated coconut – 2 table spoons

Coriander leaves – 1 table spoon (chopped)


Coconut oil – 1 tea spoon

Mustard – 1 tsp

Hing – ¼ tsp

Green chilli – 1 or 2

Curry leaves – 1 spring


-Grate carrots, chop bell fruits into very small chunks.

-If you are using raw mango, grate and add or else use lemon juice.

-Mix in coconut, coriander leaves, salt.

-Now prepare seasoning, heat oil, splutter mustard, add chopped green chillies, curry leaves fry for a min and add it to the salad bowl and mix everything and check once.

– Serve as a salad or as a Kosambari /side dish for lunch.



Balehannina Berati Payasa / Payasam by plantain preserve:

First, I want to wish a very very happy “Ugadi” to all my readers.  Ugadi marks the beginning of the new Hindu lunar Calendar, which is based on the change in the moon’s orbit. Ugadi is a Lunar New year for us.

On the eve of this festival I made our traditional payasam and enjoyed with my family.

“Berati” is nothing but preserved fruit pulp, which is cooked until it forms into thick mass and usually made when it is in abundance and stored for future use.

How to preserve jackfruit and Banana / Berati is already shared in my blog. 

In Coastal region we love jack and Banana in many forms. Berati Payasa (preserved Banana or Jack)  is one of them.

Now we will see traditionally how it is made:


Berati / Banana preserve – 1 bowl

Coconut – 1 (To extract milk)


Thin coconut milk – 2cups

Thick coconut milk – ½ cup

Salt – ½ tsp

Cardamom powder – ½ tsp

For Seasoning:

Ghee – 1 tbl sp

Thin Coconut slices – 2 tbl sp

Cashew pieces – 2 tbl sp


Toasted black sesame – 1 table spoon

Fresh coconut slices – 1 to 2 table spoons


  • Take out Berati from your freezer and keep aside for some time to attain room temperature.

  • Slice coconut by using small knife, chop these sliced pieces into small bits.
  • Toast black sesame and keep aside.
  • Take little ghee and fry coconut bits and keep aside.
  • If you want to, you can add ghee roasted cashew bits as well.
  • Grate coconut (coconut should be fresh), put one cup of water and grind this in a mixer jar and extract milk by sieving this ground mixture. This is thick coconut milk and you should keep this separately. We use this at the end stage of Payasa making.
  • Do this procedure a couple of times to get a thin extract and lastly discard coconut fibre.
  • If you are using readymade coconut milk, please skip this step.
  • Now take one thick bottomed vessel, put Berati, thin coconut milk and dissolve Berati and keep this on a gas stove to boil.
  • Usually while making Berati, we put Sugar, so no need of additional sugar.

  • Lastly add thick extract of coconut milk and give one boil. Don’t boil it much. Add Cardamom powder and mix.       
  • Remove from fire and add fried coconut pieces, toasted black sesame or cashew brittles to prepared Payasa.
  • Serve with lunch thali or as a dessert.


  • Traditionally only toasted sesame and coconut bits are added.
  • Vegans can omit ghee and roast all the items, instead of frying.


Nolen Gur Payesh / Rice kheer with date palm jaggery:

Rice kheer or Paramanna is an integral part of any festivities in many parts of India. Every region has its own method or style. Usage of ingredients would differ according to the region. Such as the addition of plain milk or coconut milk. Usage of Jaggery or sugar. So, in west Bengal, they use date palm jaggery, which is known as Nolen Gur, which is available only during the wintertime; they make a lot of delicacies by using this special jaggery. It ranges from Nolen Gur Payesh, Nolen Gur Rasgulla, Nolen Gur Sandesh are the few.  I wanted to try this out in my cooking and bought it online.

They usually use plain tiny grain rice or dried rice-shaped vermicelli, which is known as Chushi pithe. Chushi pithe is nothing but handmade Rice vermicelli. In Mangalore, we make rice noodles known as Halittu or Paradi and use them in a Payasa/ kheer, and we usually use coconut milk. So, I tried my regional method and proceeded. It tasted divine!! Usage of coconut milk and taste of the palm jaggery was the best decision, and it was very rustic and flavourful in taste.


Chushi Pithe/handmade rice vermicelli – 200 grams (you can use small grain rice as well)

Almond or Cashew – ½ cup (slivered)

Nolen gur – 300 grams (used Patali gur)

Coconut milk – 200 grams

Cardamom powder – 1 tsp

Ghee – 1 tsp (vegans can skip this)


-Take one thick bottomed vessel, add ghee and fry almond and rice vermicelli (Chushi pithe) or if you are using plain rice.

-Add around one litre of water and cook until rice cooks perfectly. Whenever it’s needed, add extra water little by little and cook.

-Now, add jaggery of your choice, boil until it smells divine and the aroma spreads. Here, the raw smell of the jaggery should vanish.

-Lastly, add one tetra pack of coconut milk, give one boil. Garnish with cardamom powder and mix.


-If you are using fresh homemade coconut milk, extract three times, preserve thick (1st extract) and add at the end.

-thin coconut milk of 2nd and 3rd extracts can be added while boiling or cooking rice vermicelli.