Barley water/Juice:

Barley is an ancient grain and a very popular grain as a healing or soothing food. In olden days, people used to have Barley water or ganji (porridge) to heal vomiting, diarrhoea or Urinary tract infection naturally. People never used to have medicines or chemicals.

It is a wonderful healing, easily digestible food, even during recuperating from any surgery.

Sipping on barley water with a pinch of salt is an excellent remedy to overcome nausea.

Other than all this goodness, barley water when combined with a dash of lime, is recommended for kidney stones.

So, all in all it has several health benefits starting from cooling down our body temperature, detoxifying by flushing toxins from the body and keeping you hydrated, to improve immunity level, to maintain gut health by high fibre content, rich in Vit B as well as E.

This year summer is very harsh, and it is our responsibility to stay hydrated and provide natural supplements to our body according to the situation or season. It is very simple to make Barley water or juice at home. Soak cook and strain. Cooked grains can be used as it is or can be used in making salads by draining.


Whole barley – 2 to 3 table spoons


-Wash, soak barley in a cup of water for overnight.

-Next day, cook this in a pressure cooker by adding very little salt for 2 to 3 whistles. When pressure releases add required amount of water. (approximately 3 big glass)

-Boil for 5 to 10 min in a low flame and switch off.

-Stain and use as plain barley water for sipping throughout the day, instead of plain water.


Make lemonade by adding lemon juice, sugar or any other natural sweetener according to your preference.

-You can add chopped Pudina or mint leaves or a tsp of ginger juice.


Mix buttermilk and can have as a low-calorie drink. In this way, diabetics or weight watchers can have. One can add pudina and grated ginger to this as well.




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