Whole wheat Jaggery Tea Cake:

It is a “Hot milk cake” which I have tried by adding Whole wheat, Jaggery powder, dried blackberries (optional) with added cardamom flavour. It turned out to be really soft, mild in sweet and was perfect with a hot cup of coffee or tea. It is a perfect choice for kids snack boxes or as a healthy eggless bake.

How I made-


Whole wheat flour – 1 cup

Cardamom powder – ½ tsp

Baking powder – 1 tsp

Salt – ¼ tsp

Dried Black currant – 2 tablespoons (optional)

Milk – ½ litre

Jaggery powder – ¾ to 1 cup ( I have added ¾ cup)

Butter – 50 grams


-Heat milk and reduce into almost half by boiling it in a low flame.

-When it is done, remove from the flame, add in butter.

-When butter melts, add in jaggery powder and mix thoroughly and keep aside. It is our wet mixture.

-Now, take one dry bowl, mix all the dry ingredients- whole wheat flour, salt, baking powder, cardamom powder, and dry whisk by using whisker or sieve couple of times.

-To this dry flour, add in dried black berries and mix. Add this dry ingredient to wet mixture and fold everything well and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 30 to 40 minutes or until done.



How to make Coconut Milk and Flour at Home:

If you are a person, who extracts coconut milk for kheer/ payasam like me, it is best suited for you.

Coconut flour is rich in fibre, low in calorie as well as carbohydrate, gluten free and very popular in flour less or grain free baking.

From past two years I am experimenting with various home made healthy flours and last week when I extracted milk from couple of fresh coconuts, I wanted to try this and proceeded.


First, we will see the Procedure for Coconut Milk Extraction:



Fresh coconut– 1 or 2

Water – 3 cups

Strainer – to extract the milk.


-Grate the coconut and collect the gratings. (If you are using some frozen fresh gratings, you can thaw and proceed).

-Next is a coconut milk extraction:

-Take fresh gratings, put one cup of water and grind into smooth paste and extract milk through sieve. This milk is a thick milk.

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-Now once again take roughage of the coconut, put one more cup of water and grind, sieve the paste and it is our second extraction of milk.

-Repeat the process and take out a third extraction as well and Collect the roughage and it is the Raw material what we need to make coconut flour.


Now we will see how to make coconut Flour:


Now you will know, what is coconut flour?

It is nothing but dried form of this roughage that we have, after the extraction of coconut milk.

Take a dry towel, spread this roughage and air dry in a shaded place for a couple of days. That is it.


Your coconut flour is ready to use. When it has dried, it will be very dry and airy. It will appear like small beads.




Walnut – Chocolate chip Coffee Cake:

Coffee flavoured cake happened by chance. I had some unused Nescafe instant coffee and wanted to finish it ASAP. So, I thought of baking a cake. It is made up of healthy flour and a very good option as a snack.

While getting ready to assemble everything, I thought of adding chocolate chip and walnut as an attraction to kids and it worked out very well with finger millet or Ragi flour as well. Now we will see how I proceeded with the ingredients.



Whole wheat Flour – 1 cup

Ragi/ Finger millet flour – 1 cup

Baking soda – ½ tea spoon

Baking powder – ½ tea spoon

Salt – ¼ tea spoon

Walnuts – ½ cup

Choco chip – ½ cup

Butter – 100 grams

Eggs – 2

Sugar – 1 ½ cup

Hot milk – 1 cup

Instant Coffee powder – 1 to 1 ½ table spoon

Hot water – ¼ cup (you can take little less than ¼ cup)


-Pre heat oven at 180°C, line a baking tray with the butter paper.

-Take one bowl and mix all the dry ingredients like, flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, walnuts and Choco -chips.

-In another bowl, beat melted butter, eggs, sugar, milk by adding one by one respectively.

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-Make dark coffee by mixing powder and water. Mix in the liquid and beat.

-Now wet mix is also ready.

-Pour this wet mixture to dry ingredients and fold the batter by using any spatula.

-Pour the batter in lined baking tray and keep this for baking until done.

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-It takes anywhere between 40 to 50 minutes.

-Before removing, check with a knife by inserting, in the baked cake.

-Knife should come out clean.

-Remove the cake, cool before cutting, and serve.


Note: For the Eggless Version, use 1/2 cup of flax gel and you can refer my earlier post for the preparation.

Mixed millet Masala Cookies:

Millets are a very good alternative to normal All-purpose flour or whole wheat flour in gluten free baking. You can’t even recognize the core ingredient. It is gluten free as well as high in nutritional value too.

When I was trying out some recipes for the 2017 Millet calendar, I dished out a couple of recipes, which had turned out super tasty, and at the same time, healthy, filling and as an alternate snack for kid’s tiffin boxes as well.

I tried pizza based seasoning in this cookie recipe and it tasted super delicious.

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Mixed Millet flour – 1 cup

Butter – 50 grams

Sugar – 2 table spoons

Salt – ½ teaspoon

Baking powder – ½ teaspoon

Baking soda – ½ teaspoon

Curd – 2 table spoons

Pizza seasoning or Oregano – 1 tea spoon

Chilli flakes – 1 tea spoon

Cumin – 1 tea spoon

Grated cheese – to decorate.


  • Mix flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, pizza seasoning, chilli flakes and cumin and keep aside.
  • Now beat butter and sugar until it becomes fluffy and creamy. Add in curd and beat once again.
  • Mix in flour mixture and bind all the ingredients together, the resultant dough will be like Chapati dough.

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  • Take dough little by little, roll it into half inch thickness and take a cookie cutter and cut.
  • Arrange this in a lined baking tray.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • Bake this in a pre-heated oven at 170 ºC for 10 to 12 minutes.

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  • Here mixed millet flour is store bought pre- mixed flour.
  • Alternately one can mix two to three millet flours and make their own flour or use all purpose flour as well.



Choco Almond Biscuits:

These are melt- in- the -mouth and loved by all, kind of cookies or biscuits. Added to all that, it is rich with all the healthy stuff. I got an opportunity to taste this goodie at “RAGA” Mangalore and it was prepared by Nalini akka who is a super talented and down to earth person. Our acquaintance started in 2012 through a Facebook group named “FOODIE” and I got to know her through her hubby Sadashiva Rao Mailankodi, who started our group and has shared this recipe on the group long ago. It was in my “to try” list and after tasting these cookies at their residence, I couldn’t wait much and prepared it immediately. I am posting it over here by thanking Nalini akka for this wonderful recipe.

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Whole wheat flour – 3 cups

Almond – ½ cup

Cocoa powder – ¼ cup

Powdered sugar – 3 cups

Ghee – 1 ½ cup

Butter – 3 table spoons

Cooking soda – ½ tea spoon

Salt – a pinch


-Roughly Crush almonds.

-Mix all the dry ingredients like flour, cocoa powder, cooking soda and salt.

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-Sieve couple of times or use dry wire whisk to combine uniformly.

-Now beat ghee, butter and sugar by hand or food processor.

-When it becomes like a cream, add flour and make a dough.

-Add in crushed almonds, mix well. Dough will be little crumbly and will not be like a smooth dough.

-Now shape these dough into whichever shape you like.

-Keep in a lined cookie tray and bake in a pre-heated oven at 170°C for 10 to 12 minutes.

– I have exactly followed her method to give shape by using bigger steel spoon. It was a cute oblong shape.

-After baking, cool and store it in an air tight container.


Gluten free Masala Cookies:

This masala cookie is low in sugar and perfect as a snack for toddlers or elders. This recipe works out with any permutation combination of flours. I have worked with the addition of Amaranth flour with banana flour. As well as the Combination of whole wheat flour, oats flour and banana flour as well. Every time, it gives crunchy outside, soft inside cookies, and if you are feeding diabetic people, it is a healthier option when compared to packaged biscuits. 

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Amaranth flour /Rajgira Atta – 1 cup ( you can use 1/2 cup of whole wheat + 1/2 cup of oats flour as well) 

Plantain/Raw banana flour – ½ cup

Butter – 100 grams

Salt – 1tea spoon

Baking powder – ¼ teaspoon

Baking soda – ¼ teaspoon

spice blend –1 to  2 tablespoons (a blend of spices like cinnamon, pepper, ginger or as per the choice ) 

Desiccated coconut – 2 tablespoons

Sugar – 3 tablespoons

Curd –2 tablespoons


  • Pre-heat oven at 170-degree C.
  • Take one bowl, mix all the dry ingredients such as flours, salt, baking soda and powder, spice blend dry mix/sieve a couple of times and keep it ready.
  • Cream butter, sugar and curd (2 tbl spoons) by using a food processor or hand. Add dry flour, desiccated coconut and make a firm dough.

  • Line the cookie tray with butter paper.
  • Drop the dough into the cookie tray using a table spoon to shape and get the uniform cookies.
  • Mark X at the top of the cookie to get a design by using the tip of the knife.
  • Bake this in a pre-heated oven for 15 – 20 minutes. Pull out and cool.
  • Store this in an airtight container. This measurement yields around 18 -20 cookies.