Ili Kivi leaves Tambli:

Emilia sonchifolia, Cupid’s Shaving Brush, Lilac tassel flower is locally known as Ili Kivi in Kannada. Sasasruti in Sanskrit and it is one among the “Ten sacred flowers of Kerala state in India, collectively known as Dasapushpam. It has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of fever, sore throat, diarrhoea, eczema and as an antidote for snake bites.

The plant requires well drained soil and grows in open fields. it is an annual herb with weak and erect stems. Leaves are ovate or obovate. The flowers are pinkish purple in colour and usually blooms around July to October. Herb contains Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, sodium and Potassium and some vitamins too. The herb is used as a folk medicine not only in India as well as China and some other parts of the world too.

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According to Ayurveda plant pacifies Kapha, vata and is effective in treating fever, tonsillitis; juice is a natural for eye diseases. It is also good in conditions like worm infections and allergy. Whole plant is crushed and the juice is extracted and is used to cure intestinal worms. The paste of the plant is useful for bleeding piles. A decoction of the plant is good in bringing down fever. The herb is useful in treating cough and bronchitis. Applying a paste on the thyroid region helps to cure the swelling in is sometimes used in cases of diabetes. (Details are from this website)

Whenever I come across this plant, I don’t hesitate to make use of it and usually prepare this Tambli for lunch.

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Ili Kivi leaves – from one plant

Cumin – ½ tsp

Black pepper – 4

Bird eye chilli – 2

Ghee – 1 tsp

Coconut – ½ cup


Butter milk – ½ cup

Seasoning: ghee – ½ Tsp, cumin – ½ tsp, curry leaves – 1 spring.


-Wash leaves, Chop.

-take 1 tsp of ghee in a small kadai. When it is hot, add cumin , pepper and bird eye chilli. If you don’t have bird eye chillies, instead you can use half green chilli and roast. Then add chopped leaves and fry until it wilts.

– Now take out all these fried items and cool.     

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-Grind this into smooth paste by adding coconut, salt and little water.

-Put this into a vessel, add buttermilk, and adjust the consistency by adding little water if needed.

-Consistency should be like normal milk.

– Add seasoning by heating ghee, cumin and curry leaves.

– Enjoy this with hot rice.

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