Indian Gooseberry/Amla Thokku:

Indian gooseberry is a sour and tangy fruit with many medicinal values as it is a rich source of vitamin C. It is known as Nellikai in Kannada, Amla in Hindi. This berry has been used for years in Ayurvedic medicines as well as in Home remedies.

I used to get Amla Thokku from an “Iyengari shop”. I wanted to replicate this lip smacking Thokku at home. Hence, I began my experiment with the same and tried it a couple of times with some minute tweaks. I finally achieved the taste of the original Thokku and now it is my yearly ritual to prepare this in the season and preserving it for my year-round usage. This recipe has minimal ingredients and is very easy to prepare.

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Now to the recipe:


Amla – 300 grams.

Green chillies – 80 -100 grams

Mustard seeds – 2 tbsp.

Salt –to taste

Turmeric powder – 1tsp.


-Wash amla, pat dry them and remove the seeds.

-wash green chillies and pat dry them as well.

-put mustard and turmeric in a small mixer jar and powder it. Now add cleaned gooseberry and green chilies little by little and churn (dry grinding), take this out and keep it in a clean bottle, mix in salt and keep this bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

-Every day mix this Thokku with a dry spoon/spatula, until it is set (almost 10 days), check for salt (it should be a little salty)

– After it sets, store this in a fridge.

Ways to Use this Thokku:

  • You can have this Thokku with white rice and little ghee.
  • You can also have it with curd rice.
  • Lassi: mix 1 tea spoon of Thokku in thin butter milk and drink as spicy, tangy lassi.
  • Make raita with curd: In a vessel take one table spoon of Thokku, add little curd and chopped onion, mix nicely and relish this raita with plain rice.

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  • It helps to reduce acidity and soothes. It also helps to regain appetite when you are not well.

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